The Cap Ferret peninsula

Villa to rent in Cap Ferret

Searching for the available properties

Fisherman's house reorganized with all the modern comfort or large luxurious residence shaded under the pines ... In Cap Ferret, you will find all the hirings of houses that will please you. My Home In has selected the most beautiful villa rentals in Cap Ferret, whatever you are looking for.

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Our villa rentals in Cap Ferret

Here are our villas rental offers in Cap Ferret, Gironde. We select each villa and house proposed in order to offer you real estate in line with our quality charter. My home in Cap Ferret offers you also the possibility to rent a villa with a pool or a more traditional house in Cap Ferret. If you come outside the summer season, you may be able to find a budget accommodation.

Rent a holiday villa in Cap Ferret

Choosing Cap Ferret as a holiday resort guarantees you the freedom to be able to combine relaxing moments on a fine sandy beach, boat trips to discover the oyster-farming history of the Bassin d'Arcachon or even strong feelings surfing offered by the vigor of ocean waves. Whatever your activity of the day, you can access it by bike. Indeed, on the peninsula of Cap Ferret, a special and constant care is given to preserve nature. What if the first ecological gesture of your holiday was to park your car in the car park and not to think about it during your stay? To help you take good habits right away, 50 kilometers of bicycle paths cross the Cape and give you access to all the strategic places in a pedal stroke. You will be able to enjoy wholeheartedly and pedal to your heart’s content. From north to south or from the basin to the ocean, riding your bike will bring to your travels a great and unprecedented sensation of freedom. At the heart of the forest, under the pines, on concrete roads very practicable by aspiring cyclists who like to race while going to the beach or bathers moving only a surfboard under the arm. Along the promenades of the Bassin d'Arcachon, in spaces reserved for bikes, ideal for two wheels loaded with gastronomic food and other finds unearthed at the market. As you can see, it's easy to get around by bike! Of course, you can come to the peninsula equipped with your faithful steeds or even have the offer of the many rental bikes. So wherever you can find your rental house on the peninsula of Cap Ferret, you will be able to access all the beaches and utilites in three rounds of pedals. If you prefer to park your bike at the bottom  of a building offering all modern comforts, My Home In offers a selection of fisherman man houses in Cap Ferret, all made of wood.